Top 15 Accounting Blogs You Should Be Reading

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5 Great Accounting Blogs To Subscribe To And Read

It is the perfect resource for accountants who may need help explaining the nuances of the trade to their clients in laymen’s terms. AICPA blog draws from it’s large community of constituent accountants to host a wide range of bloggers posting on almost any accounting topic one could want to learn about.

Going Concern – Listed 4 out of 20 times, covers the worlds of accounting and business finance, with a slightly more irreverent take. It is an “alt-weekly” for the accounting profession.

5 Great Accounting Blogs To Subscribe To And Read

TaxProf Blog – Paul Caron edits the TaxProf Blog. This blog holds great information about recent legislation and financial news. Tax Domme – Lori at Tax Domme provides excellent tax advice in terms that readers of all levels of understanding can benefit from. Long For Success Blog – Long For Success is dedicated to helping people start and grow their own businesses through consulting, training, speaking, writing, and more.

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Financial fraud is detectable and you can catch it before you end up on the receiving end of some very bad news. , Schilit and Perler lay out the fundamentals of accounting fraud detection. Each newsletter contains up-to-date useful, insightful articles and downloadable resources to help you make the most informed decisions.

The core message of the book is to treat people right. It talks about how important it is to spend time meeting clients, understanding their goals and then applying your skills effectively to help them. Accounting can often seem like a complicated field of practice, but it doesn’t have to be. The author is a business QuickBooks strategist who advocates a philosophy of getting things done by focusing on simple tasks while ignoring distracting details. Listed 5 out of 17 times, this is one of Warren Buffet’s three favorite books. Buffett’s style of investing starts with fundamental analysis before it moves onto pure accounting research.

  • A leading resource for CPAs, Accounting Today serves tax professionals, bookkeepers, auditors, financial planners, and business consultants to help them stay up-to-date on the state of the accounting industry.
  • Will Covid-19 Change Millennial Minds About Accountants?
  • Think of blogs, books, tools, software, online courses, firm rankings, universities and much more, all related to Accounting.
  • Knowing how to balance the books and stay in the black is vital for keeping a business afloat or keeping your checkbook balanced.
  • This blog is by Kay Bell who is a journalist by profession but chooses taxation as her subject of interest.

This is the book aimed at enlightening investing professionals who have just set their foot into this industry. It is a treasure trove, as the book is to the point in explaining the requirements to analyze financial statements. There is no beating around the bush or unnecessary examples which will bog you down. It’s a textbook on investing that every fresher should invest in for his successful career in this profession. Listed 8 out of 17 times, this book makes things straight and simple with practical and straightforward examples that help sheds light on the concepts without the unnecessary jargon of the technicalities.

Why Freshbooks Is Great For Bloggers

Accountants new and old to the profession will find its opinions well-informed and its reporting on recent developments a breath of fresh air. The lookout post and home of CPAs in Maryland and beyond, MACPA Blog exists to help CPAs, students, and educators live up to their full potential. MACPA works to connect and protect accountants, as well as help them achieve their career goals. The MACPA blog is a wonderful resource for Marylanders, as well as accountants around Certified Public Accountant the globe who want to know how they may be affected by local, regional, and global changes in financial policy. TaxProf Blog is a hub of news, information, and resources designed for tax professors. As part of the Law Professor Blogs network, TaxProf is edited by professor Paul L. Caron of the prestigious Pepperdine University School of Law. An automated sales tax reporting and filing service TaxJar is designed specifically for online sellers and merchants.

The latest news is posted in the blog and readers are allowed to make public comments on those posts. They discuss advertising and marketing and also mentions how artificial intelligence is taking over the accounting process.

Kaufman Rossin Blog is the communication piece of one of the top 100 professional services firms in the United States, Kaufman Rossin. Having served clients for over 50 years, Kaufman Rossin knows its way around the myriad issues that crop up around the practice of accounting. Its blog is a solid resource for news and advice on current and future developments in the profession. Big4 is a career network and news hub for accounting and consulting firms who are industry leaders. The Big4 blog features interviews with some of the biggest names in the accounting industry, as well as advice on how to land a big time job. A great resource for accounting professionals who are looking to take the next big leap in their careers. ASPCA Blog, not to be confused with the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, is a the news mouthpiece of Arizona’s Society fort Certified Public Accountants.

Further, it is amongst the popular academic accounting books and strives to provide students with an overview of the current state of AIS research as well as its applications. Amalgamating storytelling to impart the complex concepts of accounting, Rich Dad Poor Dad is one of those accounting books which is beyond number-crunching, jargons and accounting theories. This book consists of two beautiful stories which are used as examples to educate the reader about the basic concepts of accounting. It teaches readers about the real-life problems that many businessmen face and then impart the knowledge of utilising your revenues properly, investing profitably and reaching a good credit score. It is a must-read for small-business owners aiming to grow their start-ups and searching for the best ways to maximize profits. Accounting is an intensive field of study that demands your dedication towards calculations and a love for numbers. While studying this quantitative field, it is easy to feel confused about the formulas and procedures to facilitate complex calculations.

There are also ways you can inject humor into your posts while maintaining the professionalism clients and prospective clients expect. The mere fact that you are blogging shows that you are up with the times. However, the real benefit is blogging about 5 Great Accounting Blogs To Subscribe To And Read topics that are timely and relevant to accounting and your client base. For example, you could write a blog advocating the benefits of moving from QuickBooks® Desktop to QuickBooks Online. At Intuit®, we see the intrinsic value in forward thinking.

Tips For Writing An Effective Accounting Blog

Their blog includes, time tracking ideas, useful information for businesses, and a touch of fun too. Accounting Coach – Harold Averkamp has created an online accounting community where learning accounting is fun and interesting! If you’re ready to learn accounting techniques for yourself, check out his interactive blog. Their blog offers information geared to the construction industry. Accounting Practice Business Development Blog – After practicing law for many years and working as an executive in various companies, Craig Weeks is now a senior member of a SoCal Business Consulting firm. Because of his professional services experience, he worked frequently with accounting, law and engineering firms, and now he’s sharing his life’s experiences with you. 4.Thriveby Arianna Huffingtonis suggested by Mandy K. French, CPA, who owns MKFrench, an accounting firm in Springdale, Ark.

If a firm’s staff is its most important asset , then revenue growth is the firm’s life-giving force. Without revenue increases, firms become stagnant and die a slow death.

Easing Lockdown Signals Start Of New Tax Year

If you’ve ever dealt with your own personal taxes, you’re probably somewhat familiar with QuickBooks or their tax software TurboTax. While it’s from the same family, QuickBooks Online is more of a personally tailored program aimed to guide and support freelancers with their accounting needs. If you are making money and need to start thinking about accounting, here are a few easy-to-use online accounting programs that you can have up and running in no time.

5 Great Accounting Blogs To Subscribe To And Read

Since 1994 Info Plus Accounting has been helping business owners and bookkeepers move from the darkness of financial confusion and chaos, into the sunlight of monetary order and clarity. Forensic Accounting Today – Jeff Moore CPA, CFE, CIRA is the founder of JE Moore Accountants and Consultants. His blog focuses on normal balance independent and freelance accounting and finance-related practices. Empower Your Business – Nick Roberts offers indispensable advice to small-business owners to help their businesses grow and succeed. Accounting Today – Accounting Today is actually a grouping of two blogs, Accounting Tomorrow and Debits & Credits.

The Lighter Side Of Accountancy And Tax

From shout-outs to Maryland’s top accounting firms, to clear answers to complex questions, Sheridan and the MACPA make a compelling blog. Recent highlights include posts on automation in the workplace (“Automation is a Good Thing”) and a bit of tough-love motivation for professionals and businesspeople “(Still Dragging Your Feet? What’s Wrong With You?”). Accounting WEB is a professional organization for the 21st century accountant – an online community committed to being the world’s best source of information, skills, and ideas for the working accountant. With its finger on the pulse of modern accounting, Accounting WEB focuses on the newest technologies and concepts in the field, from software to law and ethics.

This is an educational small business blog because it caters to all members of a team, from management to interns who are still searching for their niche. Richard Branson’s blog is full of insights from a successful business owner who has had his share of exceptional fails and stellar comebacks.

It explores the key concepts and principles while using the PepsiCo financial statement to clearly show how the information is applied in the real world. This book literally takes its readers from the very basics of accounting to the corporate level of accounting. Each chapter is full of colorful pictures, diagrams, examples, and summaries. Listed 3 out of 17 times, this book embraces the basic theme of “different costs for different purposes.” It reaches beyond cost accounting procedures to consider concepts, analyses, and management. Listed 6 out of 17 times, this book contains various types of accounting frauds and gives real-world examples as well as suggestions on how to detect fraud. The book is an investment for not only financial professionals but for the layman to understand the gimmicks played upon by master head company makers to trick the investors. The author is a well-known authority on forensic accounting.